OT Chaos is a thrilling online game born around 2006~2007, it was originally created by Kavalor, then for some reason that is still unknown and there's many stories of it, a compiled version called Zimtower was distributed, an historical event of this is seen in this post, then many, but really, many versions of it started to pop up every year, either people started hosting the game on their own PC or some other people recreated it using TFS and updating the tibia client to 8.6, anyways, this game has been around since then and for more than +15 years this game has captured a small but dedicated community that inspired my to build from the ground the entire thing with latest open tibia systems and code standards.
Welcome to OT Chaos
OT Chaos is a thrilling online game born around 2006~2007, it was originally created by Kavalor, then for some reason that is still unknown and there's many stories of it, a compiled version called Zimtower was distributed, an historical event of this is seen in this post, then many, but really, many versions of it started to pop up every year, either people started hosting the game on their own PC or some other people recreated it using TFS and updating the tibia client to 8.6, anyways, this game has been around since then and for more than +15 years this game has captured a small but dedicated community that inspired my to build from the ground the entire thing with latest open tibia systems and code standards.
Game Overview
The game is simple, you level up to have more damage and hp/mp without limits, we have content from 1 to 1kk damage, 1 billion, and even trillions, that's right, you just keep grinding through an endless infinite room of content to smash monsters and grinding your hp/mp as you can buy this stats with no limits as well.